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CX Support Engineer Week 1*
CX Support Engineer Week 1*
CX Support Engineer Week 1*

About the Course

If you're a Support Engineer who has not gone through Support Onboarding Week 1, start here! (Otherwise, start with week 2.)

Course Progress
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Support Foundations
    1. Welcome to the Family
    2. Sitting in the Support Queue
    3. Everyone is a Customer
    4. Voice & Tone Guide
    5. "There's a Hack for That" Zendesk Training
  2. Account Security
    1. Account Integrity & Security Overview
    2. FullStory Internal Privacy Playback
  3. New Hire Orientation
    1. Meetings to Attend
  4. Support & CX
    1. Support Meetings to Attend
  5. Learn About the Product
    1. FullStory 101
    2. FullStory 201
    3. FullStory Private by Default
  6. Your Checklist for the Week
    1. Prepare for Pair Support
    2. Wrap Up with Your Mentor
CX Support Engineer Week 1*
CX Support Engineer Week 1*
Course Progress
Not started

About the Course

If you're a Support Engineer who has not gone through Support Onboarding Week 1, start here! (Otherwise, start with week 2.)

Course Outline
  1. Support Foundations
    1. Welcome to the Family
    2. Sitting in the Support Queue
    3. Everyone is a Customer
    4. Voice & Tone Guide
    5. "There's a Hack for That" Zendesk Training
  2. Account Security
    1. Account Integrity & Security Overview
    2. FullStory Internal Privacy Playback
  3. New Hire Orientation
    1. Meetings to Attend
  4. Support & CX
    1. Support Meetings to Attend
  5. Learn About the Product
    1. FullStory 101
    2. FullStory 201
    3. FullStory Private by Default
  6. Your Checklist for the Week
    1. Prepare for Pair Support
    2. Wrap Up with Your Mentor
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