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Mobile Deployment
Mobile Deployment
Mobile Deployment

About the Course

This course will introduce you to how FullStory for Mobile Apps gets deployed to our customers. It will specifically cover: 

  1. What an SDK is.
  2. The advantages of an SDK.
  3. How an SDK is installed. 

Let's get started!

Course Categories

Course Progress
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. About this course
    2. Introduction to Mobile Deployment
  2. FullStory's SDK
    1. What is an SDK?
    2. Advantages of an SDK
    3. Installing the SDK
    4. SDK Resources
  3. Knowledge Check
    1. Knowledge Check
    2. Course Evaluation
Mobile Deployment
Mobile Deployment
Course Progress
Not started

About the Course

This course will introduce you to how FullStory for Mobile Apps gets deployed to our customers. It will specifically cover: 

  1. What an SDK is.
  2. The advantages of an SDK.
  3. How an SDK is installed. 

Let's get started!

Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. About this course
    2. Introduction to Mobile Deployment
  2. FullStory's SDK
    1. What is an SDK?
    2. Advantages of an SDK
    3. Installing the SDK
    4. SDK Resources
  3. Knowledge Check
    1. Knowledge Check
    2. Course Evaluation

Course Categories
